3W Clinic Natural MakeUp Powder

My first time of having a setting powder and using it. *fingers crossed*

I have been using baby powder since birth for my face. I used to watch vlogs from different youtube personalities and I’m so curious what is the difference between a setting powder and a baby powder.

I bought this 3w Clinic Professional Setting Powder and I’m in the shade 21. I always pick any beauty product one shade lighter to my skin as I am acidic and it oxidize to my skin.

First try was very hard for me as I am a baby powder type of girl. But when I have tried this, well I can say this must the reason why girls should have a setting powder to their vanity.

It does not whiten your skin like a baby powder but it will just set anything on your face without looking like a White Lady from horror movies. 

This product has no smell and once you applied it, it feels like you’re wearing nothing powdery on your face and I loved it!

One of the disadvantages was – you cannot use this to use your baking and cooking technique as the holes in the container was way too small. And also, your skin wil go back to it’s natural oil after 4 hours so a blotting paper is a must.

I cannot say that this is a recommendable setting powder especially with an Oily Skin type. But it is a good deal for girls who just starting or practicing their makeup skills.

Any other recommendation for a very affordable setting powder? Maybe you can share this with me. 😉

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